

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Time to convert to Rainwater Harvesting for your Landscape?

With all the “water wars” going on between counties that have water and counties that don’t, perhaps we should consider being responsible for our own water. With rainwater harvesting (RWH), you know how much water you have, you control how it is treated and how it is used. No one can tell you that it isn’t your day to water when you have your own rainwater harvesting system. Your neighbor can’t drain your water dry because he wastes it- YOU ARE IN CONTROL!
Even if your home is already built, you can add on a tank (or two) to collect the rainwater for your current landscaping. Did you know that 70-80% of water use in the summer is typically for landscaping? With water rates going ever higher, it is time to rethink that model!
We can plant irrigation free landscape, so that the landscaping lives on what falls from the sky with only rare supplemental watering, but as you’re transitioning to that, consider adding a RWH tank to your back yard to capture rain and even dew and use it on your lawn. Once you switch over to irrigation free landscaping, after the first year of "watering it in", use that free water for something more fun, like a pool!
To learn more, plan on attending the Rainwater Revival on Saturday, November 2, 10am-4pm, at the Boerne Civic Center in Boerne TX. There are great speakers on all subjects rainwater connected.